The AfricaMaVal Platform is only available in English.
The AfricaMaVal Platform aims to be:
- a knowledge sharing platform;
- an opportunity to find services / equipment providers;
- an opportunity to bring off takers and project promoters together;
- an opportunity for Funding Parties to review and assess projects;
- an opportunity for AfricaMaVal to receive projects for review and inclusion into the list of 100 investment opportunities; and
- an opportunity for the EU to receive applications to become a Strategic Project.
The AfricaMaVal Platform is an online tool aimed at bringing together ECRM Project stakeholders including:
- ECRM Project promoters looking for investors, financiers, contractors and off takers;
- off takers and traders looking for sources of ECRM;
- services / equipment providers looking to provide services/equipment for ECRM Projects;
- researchers seeking information;
- lenders, investors and other types of financiers looking for projects to invest in; and
- Communities and NGOs looking for support for exploitation improvement.
I am a mining equipment provider, a construction contractor etc.
Through the EU-Africa Raw Materials Networking Platform, you will be given the opportunity to identify yourself as a provider of services and/or equipment.
Project promoters / owners will thus have the opportunity to review a profile on your company, understand the services and equipment that you provide.
I am an off taker.
We understand you may not have the expertise, the time or the resources to assess the risk profile of an ECRM Project. Yet, securing a steady supply of ECRM from sources meeting international sustainability standards is key.
AfricaMaVal will offer prospective European off takers / off takers looking to process minerals in Europe the opportunity to:
– understand the country context through the Case Studies or other AfricaMaVal reports;
– assess the funding risk for projects they may target from an offtake or investment standpoint through the Liquidity Mapping Report;
– review the Project Fact Sheets and Responsible Investment Opportunities;
– access a list of projects submitted by project promoters through the EU-Africa Raw Materials Networking Platform; and
– be presented with a number of purchase opportunities to access ECRM.
I am an investor / debt or a provider of other sources of funding (microfinance, stream, royalty financing etc).
We recognize that debt and equity providers are constantly solicited to provide funding for ECRM Projects. We also understand that more stringent sustainability standards, and a very bullish outlook on most ECRM are driving investors towards the ECRM sector.
Yet, given the plethora of “ECRM projects” attempting to capitalise on the positive momentum in the ECRM space, it is challenging for a funding party to have the time and the resources to assess all projects.
AfricaMaVal, through its website, offers funding parties the opportunity to:
– understand the country context through the Case Studies;
– review the Project Fact Sheets and Responsible Investment Opportunities; and
– access a list of projects submitted by project promoters through the EU-Africa Raw Materials Networking Platform.
I am a project promoter.
We understand that, amongst others, the major hurdles in the advancement of a project are:
- Lack of funding: often a project promoter has the right project and the right off taker(s) but is unable to raise the funds. The main reason is that a project promoter is not a financial adviser. This requires a very different set of skills.
- Through the Mapping Report, we will identify potential pockets of liquidity for ECRM Projects, which a project promoter may consider when assessing its funding options.
- Through the Liquidity Action Plan, we have listed the risks assessed by an investor or a lender prior to envisaging an investment or financing. The Liquidity Action Plan will thus allow you to assess whether your project would fare well during a similar screening.
- Through the Project Fact Sheets, we will enhance a project’s visibility.
- Through the Responsible Investment Opportunities, we will submit project details to the European Commission for consideration.
- Through the AfricaMaVal Platform we will offer the possibility for lenders and investors to review projects posted on the platform. Note that, for data privacy reasons, we will not be able to share the details of any individual at these firms.
- Lack of offtake: often a project promoter will have the right ECRM to sell but may not have the right contacts to access off takers.
- Through the AfricaMaVal website we will offer the possibility for off takers to review proposals posted. Note that, for data privacy reasons, we will not be able to share the details of any individual at these firms.
- We may, for certain projects, look to submit those to off takers for consideration in coordination with EU services.
- Lack of study and test work / execution knowledge: this is not specific to Africa, but to all junior mining development companies, who may lack the knowledge and expertise to bring the project through to feasibility and execution.
- Through the EU-Africa Raw Materials Networking Platform we will offer the possibility for development finance institutions to review projects posted on the platform in close cooperation with the EU services. Some of these institutions typically provide financial and technical assistance to support a project as it works its way through to construction. Note that, for data privacy reasons, we will not be able to share the details of any individual at these firms.