Building EU-Africa partnerships
on sustainable raw materials value chain
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Securing the access to raw materials represents a critical issue for the European ambition to deliver the Green Deal and perform the energy and digital twin transition. AfricaMaVal aims to build an EU and Africa business networking on the whole CRM value chains.

AfricaMaVal is a 42-month project gathering 18 partners from 11 countries. It is coordinated by BRGM, the French Geological Survey. The consortium gathers African and European experienced organisations, associations, and networks deeply anchored and involved in the raw material domain with specific expertise, and knowledge.


Critical raw materials seen by experts

The project partners share their vision of AfricaMaVal through its objectives and actions that will be implemented throughout the project.

project Objectives

Contribute to a responsible sourcing sourcing of raw materials to reinforce industrial’s opportunities.

Stimulate the co-development of a EU and Africa partnership in the raw materials sector.

Foster sustainable investments along the raw materials value chain.  

news & events

ASM Academy_Zim6
AfricaMaVal- Mining Indaba 2024
25 Jan: AfricaMaVal at Mining Indaba 2024: Join Us for Geosciences and Critical Minerals Advancements!

AfricaMaVal at Mining Indaba 2024: Join Us for Geosciences and Critical Minerals Advancements! AfricaMaVal is delighted to announce its presence…

Cap verde_Africa
27 Sep: Unlocking Africa’s responsible mining potential through the CRM Act

Unlocking Africa’s responsible mining potential through the CRM Act In his opening address to the Berlin Energy Transition Dialogue (BETD)…

AfricaMaval_EU Critical Raw Materials Act

project partners

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